
histoire et actualité
des arts sonores
et audiovisuels

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John Cage • Suzanne Delehanty • Bill Viola
Marysia Lewandowska • Max Neuhaus • Christina Kubisch
Max Bruinsma • Richard Kostelanetz • Bruce Barber
Maurizio Nannucci • Gordon Monahan • Daina Augaitis
Kevin Concannan • Ian Murray • Alvin Lucier
Gregory Whitehead • Mystery Laboratory  • R. Murray Schafer
Annea Lockwood • Hildegard Westerkamp
 Rod Summers • Ihor Holubizky • Jack Goldstein
Rita McKeough • Moniek Darge & Godfried-Willem Raes
Douglas Kahn • Donal McGraith • Graf Haufen
Stelarc • Christian Marclay
Reviews of the Facsimile Edition:
Editors Lander and Lexier have made a brave attempt to define exactly what “sound by artists” is, collating over 30 essays ranging from interview excerpts with John Cage to art installation literature; discussion over how everyday “noise” constitutes audio art; cassette culture of the 80s; and pioneering tape-splicing the likes of which Steinski helped take overground.
...There’s some seriously good stuff here, though, forcing the reader to think about how they perceive their surroundings, while it also reveals how some seriously forward-thinking brains have freed music-making from the strictures of traditional songwriting.
—Jason Draper, Record Collector, June 2013.
...the art historical essays contain some great writing and provide a context for the emerging thoughts of the time... The pieces from the artists’ end of the spectrum, taking in scores, interviews,documentation of events, theories and outlines of then-ongoing projects, hold up remarkably well. ...The icing on the cake, though, is surely the absurdly extensive list of audio works by artists that concludes the book.
—Matthew Erickson, The Wire, June 2013. reedición del también histórico libro "Sound by Artists",
publicado originalmente en 1990 y editado por Dan Lander y Micah Lexier. Pues bien, hace sólo unos meses la Blackwood Gallery y Charivari Press pusieron a la venta una edición facsímil de este volumen, cuya versión original sólo puede encontrarse a precios astronómicos, y en muy contadas ocasiones. Así que aquellos interesados en leer las contribuciones a este ya clásico volumen de autores como John Cage, Kevin Concannan, Douglas Kahn, Richard Kostelanetz, Christina Kubisch o Annea Lockwood, entre muchos otros, ahora tienen una oportunidad mucho más sencilla para hacerlo
—Ars Sonora, Radio Clásica - Radio Nacional de España

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